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Quotations and Examples

Quotations and examples are blocks of text consisting of one or more whole paragraphs that are set off from the bulk of the text and treated differently. They are usually indented.

In Texinfo, you always begin a quotation or example by writing an @-command at the beginning of a line by itself, and end it by writing an @end command that is also at the beginning of a line by itself. For instance, you begin an example by writing @example by itself at the beginning of a line and end the example by writing @end example on a line by itself, at the beginning of that line.

Block Enclosing Commands

Here are commands for quotations and examples, explained further in the following sections:

Indicate text that is quoted. The text is filled, indented, and printed in a roman font by default.
Illustrate code, commands, and the like. The text is printed in a fixed-width font, and indented but not filled.
Same as @example, except that in TeX this command typesets text in a smaller font for the @smallbook format than for the default 8.5 by 11 inch format.
Like @example, but specifically for illustrating Lisp code. The text is printed in a fixed-width font, and indented but not filled.
Is to @lisp as @smallexample is to @example.
Display illustrative text. The text is indented but not filled, and no font is selected (so, by default, the font is roman).
Is to @display as @smallexample is to @example.
Like @display (the text is not filled and no font is selected), but the text is not indented.
Is to @format as @smallexample is to @example.

The @exdent command is used within the above constructs to undo the indentation of a line.

The @flushleft and @flushright commands are used to line up the left or right margins of unfilled text.

The @noindent command may be used after one of the above constructs to prevent the following text from being indented as a new paragraph.

You can use the @cartouche command within one of the above constructs to highlight the example or quotation by drawing a box with rounded corners around it. See section Drawing Cartouches Around Examples.


The text of a quotation is processed normally except that:

This is an example of text written between an @quotation command and an @end quotation command. An @quotation command is most often used to indicate text that is excerpted from another (real or hypothetical) printed work.

Write an @quotation command as text on a line by itself. This line will disappear from the output. Mark the end of the quotation with a line beginning with and containing only @end quotation. The @end quotation line will likewise disappear from the output. Thus, the following,

This is
a foo.
@end quotation


This is a foo.


The @example command is used to indicate an example that is not part of the running text, such as computer input or output.

This is an example of text written between an
@example command
and an @end example command.
The text is indented but not filled.

In the printed manual, the text is typeset in a
fixed-width font, and extra spaces and blank lines are
significant.  In the Info file, an analogous result is
obtained by indenting each line with five spaces.

Write an @example command at the beginning of a line by itself. Mark the end of the example with an @end example command, also written at the beginning of a line by itself.

For example,

mv foo bar
@end example


mv foo bar

The lines containing @example and @end example will disappear from the output. To make the output look good, you should put a blank line before the @example and another blank line after the @end example. Note that blank lines inside the beginning @example and the ending @end example will appear in the output.

Caution: Do not use tabs in the lines of an example (or anywhere else in Texinfo, for that matter)! TeX treats tabs as single spaces, and that is not what they look like. This is a problem with TeX. (If necessary, in Emacs, you can use M-x untabify to convert tabs in a region to multiple spaces.)

Examples are often, logically speaking, "in the middle" of a paragraph, and the text that continues after an example should not be indented. The @noindent command prevents a piece of text from being indented as if it were a new paragraph.

(The @code command is used for examples of code that are embedded within sentences, not set off from preceding and following text. See section @code{sample-code}.)


An example or other inclusion can break a paragraph into segments. Ordinarily, the formatters indent text that follows an example as a new paragraph. However, you can prevent this by writing @noindent at the beginning of a line by itself preceding the continuation text.

For example:

This is an example
@end example

This line is not indented.  As you can see, the
beginning of the line is fully flush left with the line
that follows after it.  (This whole example is between
@code{@@display} and @code{@@end display}.)


This is an example
This line is not indented. As you can see, the beginning of the line is fully flush left with the line that follows after it. (This whole example is between @display and @end display.)

To adjust the number of blank lines properly in the Info file output, remember that the line containing @noindent does not generate a blank line, and neither does the @end example line.

In the Texinfo source file for this manual, each line that says `produces' is preceded by a line containing @noindent.

Do not put braces after an @noindent command; they are not necessary, since @noindent is a command used outside of paragraphs (see section @-Command Syntax).


The @lisp command is used for Lisp code. It is synonymous with the @example command.

This is an example of text written between an
@lisp command and an @end lisp command.

Use @lisp instead of @example to preserve information regarding the nature of the example. This is useful, for example, if you write a function that evaluates only and all the Lisp code in a Texinfo file. Then you can use the Texinfo file as a Lisp library.(7)

Mark the end of @lisp with @end lisp on a line by itself.

@small... Block Commands

In addition to the regular @example and @lisp commands, Texinfo has "small" example-style commands. These are @smalldisplay, @smallexample, @smallformat, and @smalllisp. All of these commands are designed for use with the @smallbook command (which causes TeX to format a printed book for a 7 by 9.25 inch trim size rather than the default 8.5 by 11 inch size).

In TeX, the @small... commands typeset text in a smaller font for the smaller @smallbook format than for the 8.5 by 11 inch format. Consequently, many examples containing long lines fit in a narrower, @smallbook page without needing to be shortened. Both commands typeset in the normal font size when you format for the 8.5 by 11 inch size. Indeed, in this situation, the @small... commands are equivalent to their non-small versions.

In Info, the @small... commands are also equivalent to their non-small companion commands.

Mark the end of an @small... block with a corresponding @end small.... For example, pair @smallexample with @end smallexample.

Here is an example written in the small font used by the @smallexample and @smalllisp commands:

The @small... commands make it easier to prepare smaller format manuals without forcing you to edit examples by hand to fit them onto narrower pages.

As a general rule, a printed document looks better if you use only one of (for example) @example or in @smallexample consistently within a chapter. Only occasionally should you mix the two formats.

See section Printing "Small" Books, for more information about the @smallbook command.

@display and @smalldisplay

The @display command begins a kind of example. It is like the @example command except that, in a printed manual, @display does not select the fixed-width font. In fact, it does not specify the font at all, so that the text appears in the same font it would have appeared in without the @display command.

This is an example of text written between an @display command
and an @end display command.  The @display command
indents the text, but does not fill it.

Texinfo also provides a command @smalldisplay, which is like @display but uses a smaller font in @smallbook format. See section @small... Block Commands.

@format and @smallformat

The @format command is similar to @example except that, in the printed manual, @format does not select the fixed-width font and does not narrow the margins.

This is an example of text written between an @format command
and an @end format command.  As you can see
from this example,
the @format command does not fill the text.

Texinfo also provides a command @smallformat, which is like @format but uses a smaller font in @smallbook format. See section @small... Block Commands.

@exdent: Undoing a Line's Indentation

The @exdent command removes any indentation a line might have. The command is written at the beginning of a line and applies only to the text that follows the command that is on the same line. Do not use braces around the text. In a printed manual, the text on an @exdent line is printed in the roman font.

@exdent is usually used within examples. Thus,

This line follows an @@example command.
@exdent This line is exdented.
This line follows the exdented line.
The @@end example comes on the next line.
@end group


This line follows an @example command.
This line is exdented.
This line follows the exdented line.
The @end example comes on the next line.

In practice, the @exdent command is rarely used. Usually, you un-indent text by ending the example and returning the page to its normal width.

@flushleft and @flushright

The @flushleft and @flushright commands line up the ends of lines on the left and right margins of a page, but do not fill the text. The commands are written on lines of their own, without braces. The @flushleft and @flushright commands are ended by @end flushleft and @end flushright commands on lines of their own.

For example,

This text is
written flushleft.
@end flushleft


This text is
written flushleft.

@flushright produces the type of indentation often used in the return address of letters. For example,

Here is an example of text written
flushright.  The @code{@flushright} command
right justifies every line but leaves the
left end ragged.
@end flushright


Here is an example of text written
flushright.  The @flushright command
right justifies every line but leaves the
left end ragged.

Drawing Cartouches Around Examples

In a printed manual, the @cartouche command draws a box with rounded corners around its contents. You can use this command to further highlight an example or quotation. For instance, you could write a manual in which one type of example is surrounded by a cartouche for emphasis.

@cartouche affects only the printed manual; it has no effect in other output files.

For example,

% pwd
@end cartouche
@end example

surrounds the two-line example with a box with rounded corners, in the printed manual.

In a printed manual, the example looks like this:

% pwd

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