/* Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Nicola L.C. Talbot www.dickimaw-books.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.dickimawbooks.makeglossariesgui; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.io.*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument; import javax.swing.text.Element; public class Glossaries { public Glossaries(MakeGlossariesInvoker invoker, String istName, String order) { this.invoker = invoker; this.istName = istName; this.order = order; glossaryList = new Vector<Glossary>(); } public Glossaries(MakeGlossariesInvoker invoker) { this.invoker = invoker; glossaryList = new Vector<Glossary>(); } public void clear() { glossaryList.clear(); } public void add(Glossary glossary) { glossaryList.add(glossary); } public Glossary getGlossary(int i) { return glossaryList.get(i); } public Glossary getGlossary(String label) { for (int i = 0, n = glossaryList.size(); i < n; i++) { Glossary g = glossaryList.get(i); if (g.label.equals(label)) { return g; } } return null; } public static Glossaries loadGlossaries(MakeGlossariesInvoker invoker, File file) throws IOException { Glossaries glossaries = new Glossaries(invoker); Hashtable<String,String> languages = new Hashtable<String,String>(); Hashtable<String,String> codePages = new Hashtable<String,String>(); invoker.getMessageSystem().message( invoker.getLabelWithValues("message.loading", file)); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(file), invoker.getEncoding())); String line; boolean override = invoker.getProperties().isOverride(); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { glossaries.parseAux(file.getParentFile(), line, override, languages, codePages); } in.close(); if (glossaries.noidx) { glossaries.addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.noidx")); } else if (glossaries.requiresBib2Gls && glossaries.istName == null) { String base = file.getName(); if (base.endsWith(".aux")) { base = base.substring(0, base.length()-4); } glossaries.addDiagnosticMessage(String.format("%s %s", invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.bib2gls", base), invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.build"))); if (!glossaries.hasRecords && !glossaries.selectionAllFound) { glossaries.addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.bib2gls_norecords")); } // Is bib2gls on the system PATH? File bib2gls = invoker.findApp("bib2gls", "bib2gls.exe", "bib2gls.sh"); if (bib2gls == null) { glossaries.addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "error.missing_application", "bib2gls", System.getenv("PATH"))); } else { glossaries.addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "message.found", bib2gls)); } } else if (!override) { for (Enumeration<String> en = languages.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String label = en.nextElement(); String language = languages.get(label); Glossary g = glossaries.getGlossary(label); if (g == null) { glossaries.addErrorMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "error.language_no_glossary", language, label)); glossaries.addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.language_no_glossary", language, label)); } else { g.setLanguage(language); } } for (Enumeration<String> en = codePages.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String label = en.nextElement(); String code = codePages.get(label); Glossary g = glossaries.getGlossary(label); if (g == null) { glossaries.addErrorMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "error.codepage_no_glossary", code, label)); glossaries.addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.codepage_no_glossary", code, label)); } else { g.setCodePage(code); } } } if (glossaries.requiresBib2Gls) { } return glossaries; } private void parseAux(File dir, String line, boolean override, Hashtable<String,String> languages, Hashtable<String,String> codePages) throws IOException { Matcher matcher = newGlossaryPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { add(new Glossary(invoker, matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2), matcher.group(3), matcher.group(4))); return; } matcher = istFilePattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { istName = matcher.group(1); return; } matcher = bib2glsPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { requiresBib2Gls = true; matcher = selectAllPattern.matcher(matcher.group(1)); if (matcher.matches()) { selectionAllFound = true; } return; } matcher = orderPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { order = matcher.group(1); return; } if (!override) { matcher = languagePattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { String label = matcher.group(1); String language = matcher.group(2); if (language.isEmpty()) { language = invoker.getDefaultLanguage(); String variant = invoker.getDefaultXindyVariant(); if (variant != null && !variant.isEmpty()) { language = String.format("%s-%s", language, variant); } addErrorMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "error.no_language", label)); addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.no_language", label, language)); } languages.put(label, language); return; } matcher = codepagePattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { String label = matcher.group(1); String code = matcher.group(2); if (code.isEmpty()) { code = invoker.getDefaultCodePage(); addErrorMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "error.no_codepage", label)); addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.no_codepage", label, code)); } codePages.put(label, code); return; } } matcher = glsreferencePattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { noidx = true; return; } matcher = glsrecordPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { hasRecords = true; return; } matcher = extraMakeIndexOptsPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { String opts = matcher.group(1); extraMakeIndexOpts = splitArgs(opts); return; } matcher = inputPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { BufferedReader in = null; String aux = matcher.group(1)+".aux"; String[] split = aux.split("/"); File f = dir; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { f = new File(f, split[i]); } try { invoker.getMessageSystem().message( invoker.getLabelWithValues("message.loading", f)); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(f), invoker.getEncoding())); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { parseAux(f.getParentFile(), line, override, languages, codePages); } } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } return; } } public static Vector<String> splitArgs(String str) { Vector<String> args = new Vector<String>(); StringBuilder builder = null; int delim = -1; for (int i = 0, n = str.length(); i < n; i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); if (builder == null) { if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { continue; } builder = new StringBuilder(); if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { delim = c; } else { delim = -1; builder.append(c); } } else if (c == '\\') { i++; if (i < n) { c = str.charAt(i); } builder.append(c); } else if (delim == c || (delim == -1 && Character.isWhitespace(c))) { args.add(builder.toString()); builder = null; } else { builder.append(c); } } if (builder != null) { args.add(builder.toString()); } return args; } public void process() throws GlossaryException,IOException,InterruptedException { File file = invoker.getFile(); String baseName = file.getName(); int idx = baseName.lastIndexOf("."); if (idx != -1) { baseName = baseName.substring(0, idx); } File dir = file.getParentFile(); Vector<Charset> indexerEncodings = new Vector<Charset>(); if (!noidx) { String mess = getIndexerError(); if (mess != null) { if (invoker.isBatchMode()) { throw new GlossaryException(mess); } addErrorMessage(mess); parseLog(dir, baseName); return; } String lang = null; String codePage = null; if (invoker.getProperties().isOverride()) { lang = invoker.getDefaultLanguage(); codePage = invoker.getDefaultCodePage(); String variant = invoker.getDefaultXindyVariant(); if (variant != null && !variant.isEmpty()) { lang = String.format("%s-%s", lang, variant); } } if (glossaryList.isEmpty()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.no_glossaries")); addErrorMessage(invoker.getLabel("error.no_glossaries")); } for (int i = 0, n = getNumGlossaries(); i < n; i++) { Glossary g = getGlossary(i); try { if (useXindy()) { if (lang != null) { g.setLanguage(lang); } if (codePage != null) { g.setCodePage(codePage); } g.xindy(dir, baseName, isWordOrder(), istName); } else { g.makeindex(dir, baseName, isWordOrder(), istName, extraMakeIndexOpts); } String errMess = g.getErrorMessages(); if (errMess != null) { addErrorMessage(errMess); } } catch (IOException e) { File istFile = new File(dir, istName); if (!istFile.exists()) { throw new GlossaryException(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "error.no_ist", istName), invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.no_ist"), e); } else { throw e; } } Charset encoding = invoker.getEncoding(); if (!indexerEncodings.contains(encoding)) { indexerEncodings.add(encoding); } } } // Skip the log file check when in batch mode if (invoker.isBatchMode()) return; parseLog(dir, baseName); // Now the log has been parsed, the document encodings should // be known (if support has been provided). if (supportedEncodings == null) { // No document encoding detected, assume ASCII (which is // fine for makeindex). Provide advisory note for xindy. if (useXindy()) { addAdvisoryMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.xindy_no_doc_encoding")); } } else { for (Charset encoding: indexerEncodings) { if (!supportedEncodings.contains(encoding)) { addAdvisoryMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.doc_indexer_encoding_mismatch", encoding, supportedEncodings.size(), inputEnc)); } } } } public void parseLog(File dir, String baseName) throws IOException { // Now check the log file for any problems File log = new File(dir, baseName+".log"); if (!log.exists()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.no_log", log.getAbsolutePath())); // Are there other .aux files in the same directory? File[] list = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File f) { return f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".aux"); } }); if (list != null && list.length > 1) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.multi_aux", dir)); } return; } BufferedReader reader = null; boolean checkNonAscii = false; String vers = null; String build = null; int makeglossDisabledLine = -1; int makeglossRestoredLine = -1; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(log), invoker.getEncoding())); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { Matcher m; if (istName == null && line.startsWith("Package glossaries Info:") && !line.endsWith(".")) { String nextLine; while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { line += nextLine; if (nextLine.endsWith(".")) { break; } } // Need to determine which option was the last in // effect but line numbers may refer to different files. m = makeglossDisabledPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { String lineRef = m.group(1); addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.makeglossdisabled", lineRef)); makeglossDisabledLine = 1; if (makeglossRestoredLine > -1) { makeglossRestoredLine = 0; } } m = makeglossRestoredPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { String lineRef = m.group(1); addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.makeglossrestored", lineRef)); makeglossRestoredLine = 1; if (makeglossDisabledLine > -1) { makeglossDisabledLine = 0; } } } if (latexFormat == null) { m = formatPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { latexFormat = m.group(1); if (latexFormat.startsWith("xe") || latexFormat.startsWith("lua")) { addSupportedEncoding("utf8"); } continue; } } m = inputEncPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { addSupportedEncoding(m.group(1)); continue; } m = glossariesStyPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); String year = m.group(1); String mon = m.group(2); String day = m.group(3); vers = m.group(4); try { cal.set(Integer.parseInt(year), Integer.parseInt(mon), Integer.parseInt(day)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {// shouldn't happen invoker.getMessageSystem().debug(e); } Calendar v416 = Calendar.getInstance(); v416.set(2015, 7, 8); if (cal.before(v416)) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.oldversion", vers, // use same format as LaTeX package info: String.format("%s/%s/%s", year, mon, day) )); } continue; } m = wrongGloTypePattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { String type = m.group(2); addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.wrong_type", type)); addErrorMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "error.wrong_type", type)); continue; } if (invoker.isDocDefCheckOn()) { m = docDefsPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { File f = new File(dir, baseName+".glsdefs"); addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.doc_defs", f.getAbsolutePath())); continue; } } if (invoker.isMissingLangCheckOn()) { m = missingLangPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.missing_lang", m.group(1))); continue; } } m = missingStyPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { String sty = m.group(1); if (sty.equals("datatool-base")) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.missing_datatool_base")); } else { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.missing_sty", sty)); } continue; } m = glsGroupHeadingPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { String val = m.group(1); if (!problemGroupLabels.contains(val)) { addDiagnosticMessage(String.format("%s<pre>%s</pre>%s", invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.problem_group_label", val), invoker.escapeHTML(line), invoker.getLabel(isUnicodeEngine() ? "diagnostics.suggest_bib2gls" : "diagnostics.suggest_unicode_or_bib2gls"))); problemGroupLabels.add(val); } continue; } m = warningPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(line); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.isEmpty()) { break; } builder.append(line); } String msg = builder.toString(); if (msg.contains("Package inputenc Error: Unicode char")) { // If a warning message contains this, it's likely // that an entry label contains non-ASCII // characters. checkNonAscii = true; continue; } if (requiresBib2Gls) { m = missingGlsTeXPattern.matcher(msg); if (m.matches()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( istName == null ? "diagnostics.missing_glstex" : "diagnostics.missing_glstex_hybrid", m.group(1))); if (build == null) { if (istName == null) { build = invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.bib2gls_build", getLaTeXFormat(), baseName ); } else { build = invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.hybrid_build", getLaTeXFormat(), baseName, "makeglossaries" ); } addDiagnosticMessage(build); } continue; } } addDiagnosticMessage(msg); if (noidx) { m = emptyNoIdxGlossaryPattern.matcher(msg); if (m.matches()) { String type = m.group(1); if (!glossaryList.contains(type)) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.wrong_type_noidx", type)); } } } continue; } m = systemPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(line); while (!line.endsWith(".") && (line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.isEmpty()) { break; } builder.append(line); } m = disabledSystemPattern.matcher(builder); if (m.matches()) { String cmd = m.group(1); String rest = m.group(2); if (m.groupCount() == 2) { addAdvisoryMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.shell_disabled", cmd+rest)); } else { addAdvisoryMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.shell_restricted", cmd+rest, cmd)); } } continue; } m = undefControlSequencePattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { line = reader.readLine(); m = fragileBrokenPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.fragile")); continue; } if (line.contains("\\GenericError")) { // Too complicated, so don't show to avoid // overcluttering the diagnostic panel. continue; } if (line.endsWith("\\indexspace ")) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.undef_indexspace")); continue; } addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.undef_cs", line)); continue; } m = unknownOptPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.undef_opt", m.group(1))); continue; } m = infoPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(m.group(1)); while (!line.endsWith(".") && (line = reader.readLine()) != null && !line.isEmpty()) { builder.append(line); } m = wrglossaryPattern.matcher(builder); if (m.matches()) { String type = m.group(1); String info = m.group(2); String lineNum = m.group(3); addDiagnosticMessage(String.format("%s%n<pre>%s</pre>%n", invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.wrglossary", type, lineNum), info)); } continue; } m = inputPattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.include", m.group(1))); continue; } m = istFilePattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.ist_in_log")); continue; } } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } if (makeglossDisabledLine > -1) { if (makeglossRestoredLine == -1) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.restoremakegloss")); } else if (makeglossRestoredLine < makeglossDisabledLine) { addDiagnosticMessage( invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.restoremakegloss.cancelled")); } else { addDiagnosticMessage( invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.restoremakegloss.late")); } } if (vers == null) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.no_version")); } if (checkNonAscii) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabel( "diagnostics.inputenc")); for (int i = 0, n = glossaryList.size(); i < n; i++) { Glossary glossary = glossaryList.get(i); glossary.checkNonAsciiLabels(); } } } public String getLaTeXFormat() { return latexFormat == null ? "latex" : latexFormat; } public boolean isUnicodeEngine() { if (latexFormat == null) { return false; } return latexFormat.startsWith("xe") || latexFormat.startsWith("lua"); } public String displayGlossaryList() { String str = null; for (int i = 0, n = glossaryList.size(); i < n; i++) { Glossary glossary = glossaryList.get(i); if (str == null) { str = glossary.label; } else { str += ", " + glossary.label; } } return str; } public String getDisplayGlossaryListError() { return getNumGlossaries() == 0 ? invoker.getLabel("error.no_glossaries"): null; } public String displayEncoding() { return invoker.getEncoding().name(); } private void addSupportedEncoding(String encLabel) { Charset charset = invoker.getCharset(encLabel); if (charset == null) { addDiagnosticMessage(invoker.getLabelWithValues( "diagnostics.unknown.encoding", encLabel)); } else { if (supportedEncodings == null) { supportedEncodings = new Vector<Charset>(); } supportedEncodings.add(charset); } if (inputEnc == null) { inputEnc = encLabel; } else { inputEnc = String.format("%s, %s", inputEnc, encLabel); } } public String displayDocumentEncoding() { return inputEnc == null ? invoker.getLabel("error.unknown") : inputEnc; } public String getOrder() { return order; } public boolean isWordOrder() { if (order == null) return false; return order.equals("word"); } public boolean isLetterOrder() { if (order == null) return false; return order.equals("letter"); } public boolean isValidOrder() { if (order == null) return false; return order.equals("word") || order.equals("letter"); } public String getOrderError() { if (order == null) return invoker.getLabel("error.missing_order"); return isValidOrder() ? null : invoker.getLabelWithValues("error.invalid_order", order); } public String displayFormat() { if (istName == null) { if (requiresBib2Gls) { return "bib2gls"; } else { return invoker.getLabel("error.unknown"); } } return useXindy() ? "xindy" : "makeindex"; } public String getIstName() { return istName; } public String getIstNameError() { return istName == null ? invoker.getLabel("error.missing_ist") : null; } public boolean useXindy() { if (istName == null) return false; return istName.endsWith(".xdy"); } public String getIndexerError() { if (noidx) return null; if (istName == null) { return invoker.getLabel(requiresBib2Gls ? "error.bib2gls_indexer" : "error.cant_determine_indexer"); } if (useXindy()) { if (invoker.getXindyApp() == null) { return invoker.getLabel("error.no_xindy"); } } else { if (invoker.getMakeIndexApp() == null) { return invoker.getLabel("error.no_makeindex"); } } return null; } public int getNumGlossaries() { return glossaryList.size(); } public String getDiagnostics() { String mess; if (!noidx && istName == null && order == null) { mess = getDiagnosticMessages(); if (mess != null) { return mess; } else if (glossaryList.size() == 0) { return invoker.getFileName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".aux") ? invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.no_glossaries"): invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.not_aux"); } else { return invoker.getLabel("diagnostics.no_makeglossaries"); } } mess = getIndexerError(); if (mess != null) { return String.format("%s%n%s", mess, invoker.getLabelWithValues("diagnostics.no_indexer", displayFormat())); } mess = getDiagnosticMessages(); for (int i = 0, n = getNumGlossaries(); i < n; i++) { String errmess = getGlossary(i).getDiagnosticMessages(); if (errmess != null) { if (mess == null) { mess = errmess; } else { mess = String.format("%s%n<p>%s", mess, errmess); } } } return mess; } private String getDiagnosticMessages() { return diagnosticMessages == null ? null : diagnosticMessages.toString(); } public void addDiagnosticMessage(String mess) { if (diagnosticMessages == null) { diagnosticMessages = new StringBuilder(mess); } else { diagnosticMessages.append(String.format("<p>%s", mess)); } } public String getAdvisoryMessages() { return advisoryMessages == null ? null : advisoryMessages.toString(); } public void addAdvisoryMessage(String mess) { if (advisoryMessages == null) { advisoryMessages = new StringBuilder(mess); } else { advisoryMessages.append(String.format("<p>%s", mess)); } } public void addErrorMessage(String mess) { if (errorMessages == null) { errorMessages = new StringBuilder(mess); } else { errorMessages.append(String.format("%n%s", mess)); } } public String getErrorMessages() { return errorMessages == null ? null : errorMessages.toString(); } public static int getNumFields() { return fields.length; } public static String getFieldTag(int i) { return fields[i]; } public static Element getFieldElement(HTMLDocument doc, int i) { return doc.getElement(fields[i]); } public static Element getFieldLabelElement(HTMLDocument doc, int i) { return doc.getElement(fields[i]+"label"); } public String getFieldLabel(int i) { return invoker.getLabel("main", fields[i]); } public String getField(int i) { switch (i) { case AUX: return invoker.getFileName(); case ORDER: return getOrder(); case IST: return getIstName(); case INDEXER: return displayFormat(); case GLOSSARIES: return displayGlossaryList(); case ENCODING: return displayEncoding(); case DOC_ENCODING: return displayDocumentEncoding(); } return null; } public String getFieldError(int i) { switch (i) { case AUX: return invoker.getFileName() == null ? invoker.getLabel("error.no_such_file") : null; case ORDER: return getOrderError(); case IST: return getIstNameError(); case INDEXER: return getIndexerError(); case GLOSSARIES: return getDisplayGlossaryListError(); } return null; } private Vector<Glossary> glossaryList; private String istName; private Vector<String> extraMakeIndexOpts; private boolean noidx = false; private String order; private boolean requiresBib2Gls = false; private StringBuilder errorMessages, diagnosticMessages, advisoryMessages; private static final Pattern newGlossaryPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@newglossary\\{([^\\}]+)\\}\\{([^\\}]+)\\}\\{([^\\}]+)\\}\\{([^\\}]+)\\}"); private static final Pattern istFilePattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@istfilename\\{([^\\}]+)\\}"); private static final Pattern bib2glsPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\glsxtr@resource\\{(.*)\\}\\{(.*?)\\}"); private static final Pattern selectAllPattern = Pattern.compile(".*selection\\s*=\\s*(all|\\{all\\}).*"); private static final Pattern orderPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@glsorder\\{([^\\}]+)\\}"); private static final Pattern languagePattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@xdylanguage\\{([^\\}]+)\\}\\{([^\\}]*)\\}"); private static final Pattern codepagePattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@gls@codepage\\{([^\\}]+)\\}\\{([^\\}]*)\\}"); private static final Pattern glsreferencePattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@gls@reference\\{.*?\\}\\{.*?\\}\\{.*\\}"); private static final Pattern glsrecordPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\glsxtr@record\\{.*?\\}\\{.*?\\}\\{.*\\}"); private static final Pattern extraMakeIndexOptsPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@gls@extramakeindexopts\\{(.*)\\}"); private static final Pattern glossariesStyPattern = Pattern.compile("Package: glossaries (\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+) v([\\d\\.a-z]+) \\(NLCT\\).*"); private static final Pattern glossariesXtrStyPattern = Pattern.compile("Package: glossaries-extra (\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+) v([\\d\\.a-z]+) \\(NLCT\\).*"); private static final Pattern wrongGloTypePattern = Pattern.compile("No file (.*?)\\.\\\\@glotype@(.*?)@in\\s*\\."); private static final Pattern docDefsPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\openout\\d+\\s*=\\s*`.*\\.glsdefs'."); private static final Pattern missingLangPattern = Pattern.compile("Package glossaries Warning: No language module detected for `(.*)'.\\s*"); private static final Pattern missingStyPattern = Pattern.compile(".*`(.*?)\\.sty' not found.*"); private static final Pattern missingGlsTeXPattern = Pattern.compile(".*No file `(.*?\\.glstex)'.*"); private static final Pattern warningPattern = Pattern.compile("Package glossaries(-extra)? Warning: .*"); private static final Pattern emptyNoIdxGlossaryPattern = Pattern.compile(".*Empty glossary for \\\\printnoidxglossary\\[type=\\{(.*?)\\}\\]\\..*"); private static final Pattern systemPattern = Pattern.compile("runsystem\\(.*"); private static final Pattern disabledSystemPattern = Pattern.compile("runsystem\\(([^ ]+)(.*)\\)\\.\\.\\.disabled(\\s+\\(restricted\\))?\\."); private static final Pattern undefControlSequencePattern = Pattern.compile(".* Undefined control sequence."); private static final Pattern fragileBrokenPattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\\\in@ #1#2->\\\\begingroup \\\\def \\\\in@@\\s*"); private static final Pattern unknownOptPattern = Pattern.compile(".*Unknown option `(.*)' for package `glossaries'.*"); private static final Pattern infoPattern = Pattern.compile("Package glossaries Info:\\s*(.*)"); private static final Pattern wrglossaryPattern = Pattern.compile("wrglossary\\((.*?)\\)\\((.*)\\) on input line (\\d+).*"); private static final Pattern inputPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\@input\\{(.*)\\.aux\\}"); private static final Pattern formatPattern = Pattern.compile(".* format=(xelatex|lualatex|pdflatex|latex) .*"); private static final Pattern inputEncPattern = Pattern.compile("File: (utf8|latin[0-9]+|cp[0-9]+(?:de)?|decmulti|applemac|macce|next|ansinew|ascii)\\.def.*"); private static final Pattern glsGroupHeadingPattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\\\glsgroupheading\\{(.+?)\\}.*"); private static final Pattern makeglossDisabledPattern = Pattern.compile( "Package glossaries Info: \\\\makeglossaries and \\\\makenoidxglossaries have been disabled on input line ([0-9]+)\\."); private static final Pattern makeglossRestoredPattern = Pattern.compile( "Package glossaries Info: \\\\makeglossaries and \\\\makenoidxglossaries have been restored on input line ([0-9]+)\\."); private Vector<String> problemGroupLabels = new Vector<String>(); private static final String[] fields = { "aux", "order", "ist", "indexer", "list", "encoding", "docencoding" }; public static final int AUX=0, ORDER=1, IST=2, INDEXER=3, GLOSSARIES=4, ENCODING=5, DOC_ENCODING=6; private String latexFormat = null; private String inputEnc = null; private Vector<Charset> supportedEncodings; private MakeGlossariesInvoker invoker; private boolean hasRecords = false; private boolean selectionAllFound = false; }