# NAME MooseX::Types::ISO8601 - ISO8601 date and duration string type constraints and coercions for Moose # SYNOPSIS use MooseX::Types::ISO8601 qw/ ISO8601TimeDurationStr /; has duration => ( isa => ISO8601TimeDurationStr, is => 'ro', coerce => 1, ); Class->new( duration => 60 ); # 60s => PT00H01M00S Class->new( duration => DateTime::Duration->new(%args) ) # DESCRIPTION This module packages several L<TypeConstraints|Moose::Util::TypeConstraints> with coercions for working with ISO8601 date strings and the DateTime suite of objects. # DATE CONSTRAINTS ## ISO8601DateStr An ISO8601 date string. E.g. `2009-06-11` ## ISO8601TimeStr An ISO8601 time string. E.g. `12:06:34Z` ## ISO8601DateTimeStr An ISO8601 combined datetime string. E.g. `2009-06-11T12:06:34Z` ## COERCIONS The date types will coerce from: - ` Num ` The number is treated as a time in seconds since the unix epoch - ` DateTime ` The duration represented as a [DateTime](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=DateTime) object. # DURATION CONSTRAINTS ## ISO8601DateDurationStr An ISO8601 date duration string. E.g. `P01Y01M01D` ## ISO8601TimeDurationStr An ISO8601 time duration string. E.g. `PT01H01M01S` ## ISO8601DateTimeDurationStr An ISO8601 comboined date and time duration string. E.g. `P01Y01M01DT01H01M01S` ## COERCIONS The duration types will coerce from: - ` Num ` The number is treated as a time in seconds - ` DateTime::Duration ` The duration represented as a [DateTime::Duration](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=DateTime::Duration) object. The duration types will coerce to: - ` Duration ` A [DateTime::Duration](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=DateTime::Duration), i.e. the ` Duration ` constraint from [MooseX::Types::DateTime](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=MooseX::Types::DateTime). # SEE ALSO - * [MooseX::Types::DateTime](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=MooseX::Types::DateTime) - * [DateTime](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=DateTime) - * [DateTime::Duration](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=DateTime::Duration) - * [DateTime::Format::Duration](http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=module&query=DateTime::Format::Duration) # VERSION CONTROL http://github.com/bobtfish/moosex-types-iso8601/tree/master Patches are welcome. # SEE ALSO - * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 - * http://dotat.at/tmp/ISO_8601-2004_E.pdf # FEATURES ## Fractional seconds If provided, the number of seconds in time types is represented to microsecond accuracy. A full stop character is used as the decimal seperator, which is allowed, but deprecated in preference to the comma character in _ISO 8601:2004_. # BUGS Probably full of them, patches are very welcome. Specifically missing features: - * No timezone support - all times are assumed UTC - * No week number type - * "Basic format", which lacks seperator characters, is not supported for reading or writing. - * Tests are rubbish. # AUTHOR Tomas Doran (t0m) `<bobtfish@bobtfish.net>` The development of this code was sponsored by my employer <http://www.state51.co.uk>. # COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2009 Tomas Doran. Some rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.