The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

BYU Reconfigurable Logic Bibliography on FPGA's

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Number of references:349Last update:November 19, 1999
Number of online publications:45Supported:Unknown
Most recent reference:August 1999

Information on the Bibliography

Reconfigurable Logic Laboratory <wirthlim @ fpga . ee . byu . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brigham Young University
This bibliography contains references to FPGA computing systems, research in FPGA computing system issues, programming environments, FPGA related system tools, FPGA computing applications, application design techniques,novel uses of FPGA computing systems, novel FPGA device architectures, and existing device architectures.
It also contains a collection of miscellaneous references used in a number of current projects at BYU. The references have no direct involvement with FPGA computing but are helpful in the development of current projects.
Author Comments:
Welcome to the BYU Reconfigurable Logic Laboratory bibliography. The bibliography is constantly growing and we appreciate suggestions, corrections or additions to the list.
A 'key' field has been added to each entry for sorting between the various entry types. The fields include the following:
The 'system' keyword indicates that a reference describes a reconfigurable computing system or discusses architectural features of reconfigurable computing machines.
The 'app' (application) keyword indicates that a reference discusses an application operating on a reconfigurable computing platform.
The 'tool' keyword indicates that a references discusses any aspect of reconfigurable computing tools such as high-level programming environments, hardware synthesis tools, and novel design approaches.
The 'device' keyword indicates that a reference discusses the devices used in reconfigurable computing systems (FPGAs and other programmable logic).

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

inproceedings(278), article(32), techreport(11), proceedings(9), mastersthesis(8), book(3), phdthesis(3), incollection(2), misc(2), inbook(1)
title(349), year(349), author(340), pages(301), month(299), booktitle(280), address(262), key(232), abstract(219), editor(213), publisher(110), volume(59), organization(40), journal(33), series(31), number(24), institution(11), school(11), note(6), editors(2), howpublished(2), location(2), chapter(1), page(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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