The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliographies on Programming Languages, Type Theory and Compiler Technology

You can add bibliographies and references to this collection! See also the bibliographies on Software/Hardware Engineering and Formal Methods.

7563 Bibliography for the SIGPLAN Notices (2006)
6816 Bibliography on the Fortran programming language (2007)
5918 Bibliographies of various confererences in the area of computer architecture, compilers and related fields (2002)
5755 Bibliography on the JAVA programming language (2007)
5073 Bibliography on Programming Languages and Compiler Construction (1996)
2880 Warwick bibliography related to functional languages (1994)
2517 The Garbage Collection Bibliography (2008)
2491 Bibliography of the C/C++ Users Journal (2005)
1832 Bibliography on programming languages (2009)
1806 Bibliography on Compilers (1992)
1644 Bibliography on Lisp from 1960-1992 (1992)
1579 Bibliography for the ACM SIGAda Ada Letters (2007)
1304 A bibliography on optimizing and parallelizing compilers (1999)
1244 Forth Bibliography (2005)
1140 Bibliography on Attribute Grammars (1999)
921 Bibliography for the ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) (2008)
891 Bibliography on Programming Languages, Compilers, and Computer Architecture (2008)
856 Bibliography of publications in the electronic magazine JavaWorld (1999)
841 Bibliography on Semantics (2008)
748 Bibliography of garbage collection and (to lesser degrees) memory hierarchies and other aspects of heap management (like persistence) (1995)
736 Bibliography on the theory of programming languages (1995)
677 A Bibliography on Garbage Collection (1994)
646 Bibliography on partial evaluation and mixed computation (1998)
592 Bibliography on Semantics Based Program Analysis and Manipulation (from Semantics (TOPPS) group of DIKU) (2008)
553 Bibliography on the Common LISP language (2005)
549 Bibliography of publications in the journal Science of Computer Programming (2003)
470 Bibliography on compiler-related issues (1994)
469 Bibliography on the programming language Ada (1990)
450 Bibliography of the journal Computer Languages (2006)
449 Bibliography containing references to (categorical) logic in computer science and type theory (1994)
368 Papers and talks produced by the Institut für Computersprachen, TU Wien (2008)
360 Bibliography on the mathematics of program construction (1993)
357 Abstract Interpretation Bibliography (1993)
354 Bibliography of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for computer programming languages (2007)
341 Bibliography of the Computer Language magazine (1993)
304 Bibliography on programming languages and compilers technology (2008)
275 Constraint Handling Rules Bibliography (2009)
253 Bibliography of the magazine "Java Report" (1998)
237 Bibliography of the Ada User Journal (1998)
234 Bibliography for the magazine C++ Report (1997)
199 Bibliography for the Journal of C Language Translation (1995)
181 Bibliography of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards for computer programming languages (2000)
176 Bibliography on Applicative Programming and Specification (with emphasis on ML) (1994)
169 Bibliography on compilers (1990)
157 Bibliography of publications about Python, an object-oriented scripting and programming language (2006)
157 Bibliography of Persistence Papers at St Andrews University (1999)
140 The bibliography of the ICSLA project (1997)
131 State in Functional Programming: An Annotated Bibliography (1993)
117 Bibliography on Code Compaction (2002)
113 Bibliography on optimizing compilers (1988)
113 Bibliography on the programming language and operating system Oberon (1998)
113 Bibliography of the Publications of the Programming Languages and Compilers Group at University of Paderborn, Germany (2003)
93 Bibliography on Action Semantics (1997)
85 static single assignment form (2007)
53 Bibliography on the Icon programming language (2004)
42 Bibliography of ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS) (1993)
39 Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (2001)
36 Bibliography on publications about, or based on, the AT&T/Princeton lcc C compiler (2004)
22 Proceedings of the 1992 ACM Workshop on ML and its Applications (1992)
17 Proceedings of the 1992 ACM Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM) (1992)
14 ``Code Generation — Concepts, Tools, Techniques'', Proceedings of the International Workshop on Code Generation, Dagstuhl, Germany, 20-24 May 1991 (1991)
10 Bibliography of the proceedings of the First Workshop on C++ Template Programming (2000)
64670Total number of references in this section