<div align="center" width="100%">
    <p><img width="80%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kelp-framework/Art/master/whelk/logo_wide.png" alt="logo"></p>
    <p><b>A friendly web API framework</b></p>

Whelk is an API framework designed to build self-documenting, correct and
efficient REST APIs.

## Installation
Whelk is [distributed through CPAN](https://metacpan.org/release/Whelk). It can
be installed through a local CPAN client, for example:

cpanm Whelk

## Documentation
The Whelk manual can be viewed either online on
[metacpan](https://metacpan.org/pod/Whelk::Manual) or offline by
running a `perldoc Whelk::Manual` command. For detailed information, consult
documentation pages for specific parts of Whelk.

## Bugs and feature requests
Please use the Github's issue tracker to file both bugs and feature requests.

## Contributions
Contributions to the project in form of Github's pull requests are welcome.
Please make sure your code is in line with the general coding style of the
module. Let us know via a github issue if you plan something bigger so we can
talk it through.

### Author
Bartosz Jarzyna

## License

This framework is governed by the same license as Perl itself.