DD - Dump data structure for debugging

    This document describes version 0.006 of DD (from Perl distribution DD),
    released on 2019-08-08.

    To install this module, currently do:

     % cpanm -n DD::Dummy

    In your code:

     use DD; # exports dd(), dd_warn(), dd_die(), dmp()
     dd $data                ; # prints data to STDOUT, return argument
     my $foo = dd $data      ; # ... so you can use it inside expression
     my $foo = dd_warn $data ; # just like dd() but warns instead
     dd_die $data            ; # just like dd() but dies instead

     my $dmp = dmp $data     ; # dump data as string and return it

    On the command-line:

     % perl -MDD -E'...; dd $data; ...'

    "DD" is a module with a short name you can use for debugging. It
    provides "dd" which dumps data structure to STDOUT, as well as return
    the original data so you can insert "dd" in the middle of expressions.
    It also provides "dd_warn", "dd_die", as well as "dmp" for completeness.

    "DD" can use several kinds of backends. The default is Data::Dump which
    is chosen because it's a mature module and produces visually nice dumps
    for debugging. You can also use these other backends:

    *   Data::Dmp

        Optional dependency. Compact output.

    *   Data::Dump::Color

        Optional dependency. Colored output.

    *   Data::Dump::PHP

        Optional dependency.

        See also: PHP::Serialization.

    *   Data::Dumper

        Optional dependency. A core module.

    *   Data::Dumper::Compact

        Optional dependency.

    *   Data::Format::Pretty::Console

        Optional dependency. Colored output.

    *   Data::Format::Pretty::SimpleText

        Optional dependency.

    *   Data::Format::Pretty::Text

        Optional dependency. Colored output.

    *   Data::Printer

        Optional dependency. Colored output.

    *   JSON::Color

        Optional dependency. Colored output.

        Note that the JSON format cannot handle some kinds of Perl data
        (e.g. typeglobs, recursive structure). You might want to "clean" the
        data first before dumping using Data::Clean::ForJSON.

    *   JSON::MaybeXS

        Optional dependency.

        Note that the JSON format cannot handle some kinds of Perl data
        (e.g. typeglobs, recursive structure). You might want to "clean" the
        data first before dumping using Data::Clean::ForJSON.

    *   JSON::PP

        Optional dependency, a core module.

        Note that the JSON format cannot handle some kinds of Perl data
        (e.g. typeglobs, recursive structure). You might want to "clean" the
        data first before dumping using Data::Clean::ForJSON.

    *   PHP::Serialization

        Optional dependency. Compact output.

        See also: "Data::Dump::PHP".

    *   YAML

        Optional dependency.

    *   YAML::Tiny::Color

        Optional dependency. Colored output.

        Note that this dumper cannot handle some kinds of Perl data (e.g.
        recursive references). You might want to "clean" the data first
        before dumping using Data::Clean or Data::Clean::ForJSON.

    The backend to use. The default is to use "PERL_DD_BACKEND" environment
    variable or "Data::Dump" as the fallback default.

    Print the dump of its arguments to STDOUT, and return its arguments.

    Warn the dump of its arguments, and return its arguments. If you want a
    full stack trace, you can use Devel::Confess, e.g. on the command-line:

     % perl -d:Confess -MDD -E'... dd_warn $data;'

    Die with the dump of its arguments as message. If you want a full stack
    trace, you can use Devel::Confess, e.g. on the command-line:

     % perl -d:Confess -MDD -E'... dd_die $data;'

    Dump its arguments as string and return it.

    Can be used to set the default backend.

    Please visit the project's homepage at

    Source repository is at <>.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    XXX - basically the same thing but with different function names and
    defaults. I happen to use "XXX" to mark todo items in source code, so I
    prefer other names.

    perlancar <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2019, 2017 by

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.