Games::PMM - Paper Mach� Monsters README ---------------------------------------- version 0.10 - Sat Nov 29 21:15:22 UTC 2003 Paper Mach� Monsters is a game of wind-up monster fighting. Monsters battle each other in an arena. Monsters run through individual command lists to govern their behavior. The last standing (or least damaged) monster wins. INSTALLATION ------------ As per a normal Perl module, installation is simple. You must have Module::Build installed first, however: $ perl Build.PL $ ./Build $ ./Build test $ ./Build install USAGE ----- See the documentation of Games::PMM for detailed instructions. If you've installed this distribution, use: $ perldoc Games::PMM Otherwise, use the following invocation (with the path changed appropriately for your platform): $ perldoc lib/Games/ COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright (c) 2003, chromatic ( This distribution is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. Share and enjoy.