Alter - *Alter Ego* Objects

      package MyClass;
      use Alter ego => {}; # Alter ego of type hash

      # Put data in it
      my $obj = \ do { my $o };
      ego( $obj)->{a} = 1;
      ego( $obj)->{b} = 2;

      # Retrieve it again
      print ego( $obj)->{ b}, "\n"; # prints 2

      package OtherClass;
      defined( ego $obj) or die; # dies, OtherClass hasn't set an alter ego

      # Direct access to the corona of alter egos
      my $crown = Alter::corona $obj;

   Basic Functions
    The functions described here accept a first argument named $obj. Despite
    the name, $obj can be any reference, it doesn't *have* to be blessed
    (though it usually will be). It is a fatal error if it is not a
    reference or if the reference points to a read-only value.

        Retrieves the class-specific *alter ego* assigned to $obj by
        "alter()" or by autovivification if that is enabled. If neither is
        the case, an undefined value is returned. The class is the package
        into which the call to "ego()" is compiled.

    "alter($obj, $val)"
        Assigns $val to the reference $obj as an *alter ego* for the
        caller's class. The class is the package into which the call to
        "alter" is compiled. Returns $obj (*not* the value assigned).

    "Alter::corona( $obj)"
        Direct access to the *corona* of *alter ego*'s of $obj. The corona
        is a hash keyed by class name in which the alter ego's of an object
        are stored. Unlike "alter()" and "ego()", this function is not
        caller-sensitive. Returns a reference to the corona hash, which is
        created if necessary. This function is not exported, if needed it
        must be called fully qualified.

        Returns a true value if the XS implementation of "Alter" is active,
        false if the pure Perl fallback is in place.

    You can set one of the types "SCALAR", "ARRAY", "HASH" or "GLOB" for
    autovivification of the alter ego. This is done by specifying the type
    in a "use" statement, as in

        package MyClass;
        use Alter 'ARRAY';

    If the "ego()" function is later called from "MyClass" before an alter
    ego has been specified using "alter()", a new *array reference* will be
    created and returned. Autovivification happens only once per class and
    object. (You would have to delete the class entry from the object's
    corona to make it happen again.)

    The type specification can also be a referece of the appropriate type,
    so "[]" can be used for "ARRAY" and "{}" for "HASH" (globrefs and scalar
    refs can also be used, but are less attractive).

    Type specification can be combined with function imports. Thus

        package MyClass;
        use Alter ego => {};

    imports the "ego()" function and specifies a hash tape for
    autovivification. With autovivification you will usually not need to
    import the "alter" function at all.

    Specifying "NOAUTO" in place of a type specification switches
    autovivification off for the current class. This is also the default.

   Serialization Support
    Serialization is supported for human inspection in "Data::Dumper" style
    and for disk storage and cloning in "Storable" style.

    For "Data::Dumper" support "Alter" provides the class "Alter::Dumper"
    for use as a base class, which contains the single method "Dumper".
    "Dumper" returns a string that represents a hash in "Data::Dumper"
    format. The hash shows all *alter ego*s that have been created for the
    object, keyed by class. An additional key "(body)" (which can't be a
    class name) holds the actual body of the object. Formatting- and other
    options of "Data::Dumper" will change the appearance of the dump string,
    with the exception of $Data::Dumper::Purity, which will always be 1.
    "Dumper" can also be imported from "Alter" directly.

    Note that "eval()"-ing a dump string will *not* restore the object, but
    rather create a hash as described. Re-creation of an object is only
    available through "Storable".

    For "Storable" support the class "Alter::Storable" is provided with the
    methods "STORABLE_freeze", "STORABLE_thaw" and "STORABLE_attach". The
    three functions are also exported by "Alter" Their interaction with
    "Storable" is described there.

    Inheriting these methods allows "Storable"'s own functions "freeze()"
    and "thaw()" to save and restore an object's *alter ego*s along with the
    actual object body. Other "Storable" functions, like "store", "nstore",
    "retrieve", etc. also become Alter-aware. There is one exception.
    "Storable::dclone" cannot be used on "Alter"-based objects. To clone an
    "Alter"-based object, "Storable::thaw(Storable::freeze($obj)" must be
    called explicitly.

    Per default, both "Alter::Dumper" and "Alter::Storable" are made base
    classes of the current class (if necessary) by "use Alter". If the
    function "Dumper" is imported, or if "-dumper" is specified,
    "Alter::Dumper" is not made a base class. If any of the functions
    "STORABLE_freeze", "STORABLE_thaw" or "STORABLE_attach" is imported, or
    if "-storable" is specified, "Alter::Storable" is not made a base class.

   Fallback Perl Implementation
    "Alter" is properly an XS module and a suitable C compiler is required
    to build it. If compilation isn't possible, the XS part is replaced with
    a *pure Perl* implementation "Alter::AlterXS_in_perl". That happens
    automatically at load time when loading the XS part fails. The boolean
    function "Alter::is_xs" tells (in the obvious way) which implementation
    is active. If, for some reason, you want to run the Perl fallback when
    the XS version is available, set the environment variable
    "PERL_ALTER_NO_XS" to a true value before "Alter" is loaded.

    This fallback is not a full replacement for the XS implementation.
    Besides being markedly slower, it lacks key features in that it is *not*
    automatically garbage-collected and *not* thread-safe. Instead,
    "Alter::AlterXS_in_perl" provides a "CLONE" method for thread safety and
    a universal destructor "Alter::Destructor::DESTROY" for garbage
    collection. A class that uses the pure Perl implementation of "Alter"
    will obtain this destructor through inheritance (unless "-destroy" is
    specified with the "use" statement). So at the surface thread-safety and
    garbage-collection are retained. However, if you want to add your own
    destructor to a class, you must make sure that both (all) destructors
    are called as needed. Perl only calls the first one it meets on the @ISA
    tree and that's it.

    Otherwise the fallback implementation works like the original. If
    compilation has problems, it should allow you to run test cases to help
    decide if it's worth trying. To make sure that production code doesn't
    inadvertently run with the Perl implementation

      Alter::is_xs or die "XS implementation of Alter required";

    can be used.

    None by default, "alter()" and "ego()" upon request. Further available
    are "STORABLE_freeze", "STORABLE_thaw" and "STORABLE_attach" as well as
    "Dumper". ":all" imports all these functions.

    The environment variable "PERL_ALTER_NO_XS" is inspected once at load
    time to decide whether to load the XS version of "Alter" or the pure
    Perl fallback. At run time it has no effect.

    The "Alter" module is meant to facilitate the creation of classes that
    support *black-box inheritance*, which is to say that an "Alter" based
    class can be a parent class for *any other* class, whether itself
    "Alter" based or not. Inside-out classes also have that property.
    "Alter" is thus an alternative to the *inside-out* technique of class
    construction. In some respects, "Alter" objects are easier to handle.

    Alter objects support the same data model as traditional Perl objects.
    To each class, an Alter object presents an arbitrary reference, the
    object's *alter ego*. The type of reference and how it is used are the
    entirely the class's business. In particular, the common practice of
    using a hash whose keys represent object fields still applies, only each
    class sees its individual hash.

    "Alter" based objects are garbage-collected and thread-safe without
    additional measures.

    "Alter" also supports "Data::Dumper" and "Storable" in a generic way, so
    that "Alter" based objects can be easily be viewed and made persistent
    (within the limitations of the respective modules).

    "Alter" works by giving every object a class-specific *alter ego*, which
    can be any scalar, for its (the classe's) specific needs for data
    storage. The alter ego is set by the "alter()" function (or by
    autovivification), usually once per class and object at initialization
    time. It is retrieved by the "ego()" function in terms of which a class
    will define its accessors.

    That works by magically (in the technical sense of "PERL_MAGIC_ext")
    assigning a hash keyed by classname, the *corona*, to every object that
    takes part in the game. The corona holds the individual alter ego's for
    each class. It is created when needed and stays with an object for its
    lifetime. It is subject to garbage collection when the object goes out
    of scope. Normally the corona is invisible to the user, but the
    "Alter::corona()" function (not exported) allows direct access if

    The example first shows how a class "Name" is built from two classes
    "First" and "Last" which implement the first and last names separately.
    "First" treats its objects as hashes whereas "Last" uses them as arrays.
    Nevertheless, the code in "Name" that joins the two classes via
    subclassing is straightforward.

    The second part of the example shows that "Alter" classes actually
    support black-box inheritance. Here, we use an object of class
    "IO::File" as the "carrier" object. This must be a globref to work. This
    object can be initialized to the class "Name", which in part sees it as
    a hash, in another part as an array. Methods of both classes now work on
    the object.

        use strict; use warnings; $| = 1;

        # Show that class Name works
        my $prof = Name->new( qw( Albert Einstein));
        print $prof->fname, "\n";
        print $prof->lname, "\n";
        print $prof->name, "\n";

        # Share an object with a foreign class
            package Named::Handle;
            use base 'IO::File';
            push our @ISA, qw( Name);

            sub new {
                my $class = shift;
                my ( $file, $first, $last) = @_;
                $class->IO::File::new( $file)->init( $first, $last);

            sub init {
                my $nh = shift;
                $nh->Name::init( @_);

        my $nh = Named::Handle->new( '/dev/null', 'Bit', 'Bucket');
        print "okay, at eof\n" if $nh->eof; # IO::File methods work
        print $nh->name, "\n";      # do Name methods



            package First;
            use Alter qw( alter ego);

            sub new {
                my $class = shift;
                bless( \ my $o, $class)->init( @_);

            sub init {
                my $f = shift;
                alter $f, { name => shift };

            sub fname {
                my $h = ego shift;
                @_ ? $h->{ name} = shift : $h->{ name};

            package Last;
            use Alter qw( alter ego);

            sub new {
                my $class = shift;
                bless( \ my $o, $class)->init( @_);

            sub init {
                my $l = shift;
                alter $l, [ shift];

            sub lname {
                my $l = ego( shift);
                @_ ? $l->[ 0] = shift : $l->[ 0];

            package Name;
            use base 'First';
            use base 'Last';

            sub init {
                my $n = shift;
                $n->First::init( shift);
                $n->Last::init( shift);

            sub name {
                my $n = shift;
                join ' ' => $n->fname, $n->lname;


    Thanks to Abigail who invented the inside-out technique, showhing *what*
    the problem is with Perl inheritance and *how* it could be overcome with
    just a little stroke of genius.

    Thanks also to Jerry Hedden for making me aware of the possibilities of
    "ext" magic on which this implementation of "Alter" is built.

    Anno Siegel, <>

    Copyright (C) 2007 by Anno Siegel

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.