Geo::IP::RU::IpGeoBase - look up location by IP address in Russia

    This module allows you to look up location in DB provided by service. Access to the DB is free. Contains
    information about city, region, federal district and coordinates.

    DB provided as plain text files and is not very suitable for look ups
    without loading all data into memory. Instead it's been decided to
    import data into a database. Use command line utility to create and
    update back-end DB.

    At this moment DB can be created in SQLite, mysql and Pg. If you create
    table manually then probably module will just work. It's very easy to
    add support for more back-end DBs. Patches are welcome.

    Returns a new object. Takes a hash with options, mostly description of
    the back-end:

        Geo::IP::RU::IpGeoBase->new( db => {
            dbh => $dbh, table => 'my_table',
        } );
        # or
        Geo::IP::RU::IpGeoBase->new( db => {
            dsn => 'dbi:mysql:mydb',
            user => 'root', pass => 'secret',
            table => 'my_table',
        } );

    *   dbh - connected DBI handle, or you can use dsn.

    *   dsn, user, pass - DSN like described in DBI, for example
        'dbi:SQLite:my.db', user name and his password.

    *   table - name of the table with data, default is 'ip_geo_base_ru'.

    Takes an IP in '' format and returns information about
    blocks that contains this IP. Yep, blocks, not a block. In theory DB may
    contain intersecting blocks.

    Each record is a hash reference with the fields matching table columns:
    istart, iend, start, end, city, region, federal_district, latitude and

    Ruslan Zakirov ><

    Under the same terms as perl itself.