NAME Calendar::DatesRoles::DataPreparer::CalendarVar::FromDATA::Simple - Populate $CALENDAR from data in __DATA__ VERSION This document describes version 0.005 of Calendar::DatesRoles::DataPreparer::CalendarVar::FromDATA::Simple (from Perl distribution Calendar-DatesRoles-DataPreparer-CalendarVar-FromDATA-Simple), released on 2020-01-01. DESCRIPTION This role will set consumer's $CALENDAR package variable from consumer's "__DATA__" section. The format of data in "__DATA__" section is simple. Data in "__DATA__" is line-based. Entries should be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD;Summary;tag1,tag2 Lines that start with "#!" are called directives. Known directives: #!default_lang: VALUE to set default language. Blank lines or lines that start with "#" (other than directives) are ignored. Example: 2019-02-14;Valentine's day 2019-06-01;Pancasila day;holiday Another example: #!default_lang: id 2019-02-14;Hari Valentine 2019-06-01;Hari lahirnya Pancasila;holiday Another example to provide translation: Another example: #!default_lang: id 2019-02-14;Hari Valentine {en:Valentine's day} 2019-06-01;Hari lahirnya Pancasila {en:Pancasila day};holiday For more complex stuffs, you can use Calendar::DatesRoles::DataPreparer::CalendarVar::FromDATA::CSVJF or construct $CALENDAR yourself. Please consult Calendar::DatesRoles::DataUser::CalendarVar. METHODS prepare_data HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at < ar-FromDATA-Simple>. SOURCE Source repository is at < ndarVar-FromDATA-Simple>. BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website < ataPreparer-CalendarVar-FromDATA-Simple> When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSO Calendar::DatesRoles::DataPreparer::CalendarVar::FromDATA::CSVJF Calendar::Dates Calendar::DatesRoles::DataUser::CalendarVar AUTHOR perlancar <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2019 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.